
Showing posts from June, 2019

How to Deal with Summer Sweat and Odor

Sometimes we just gotta roll with sweaty thighs, trickles of sweat down the nape of our necks, and beads of sweat on our foreheads. That’s summer for you. But if your summer is sweatier (and more stinky) than you’d like it be, the following are some things you can do to embrace a steamy day.  Put Deodorant on Your Private Parts Guess what? There are deodorants out there that not only go on your underarms, but are also meant for other parts of the body, including underneath breasts, in-between thighs, and the bum. Look for a multipurpose, aluminum free deodorant that helps prevent odor in your pits and on lady bits. Dry Off Well After getting out of the shower, it’s important to dry yourself off completely, especially in the areas where you sweat a lot. You are only as clean as those first few moments after stepping out of the shower. After that, bacteria and sweat start going to town, doing their best to make you stink. Use a tiny smear of a multipurpose, vegan, cruelty free de

How to Get Rid of That Smell Down There… Do You Need to?

It can be embarrassing for some women to talk about the scent of their vaginas, but it’s normal and healthy to have a slight odor down there. Most of the time, it’s not the vagina’s fault. It’s simply the result of living a full and busy life, which can involve workouts, sex, skipped showers, periods, leaky bladders, and so on.  Don’t buy into a societal dialogue that it’s “not normal” or that a vagina just “smells bad.” Unless you have an infection, there’s no need to stress over vaginal odor or try to “fix” anything about your private parts. From practicing good hygiene to using deodorant for sensitive skin , here are a few things you can do to help with bothersome odors that crop up from time to time. Trim It Up Women shouldn’t feel obligated to shave. However, keep in mind that the more pubic hair you have, the more surface area you have for bodily fluids and bacteria to hang out in, which can lead to odor. The fact is that pubic hair can trap bodily fluids such as residual