How to Deal with Summer Sweat and Odor

Sometimes we just gotta roll with sweaty thighs, trickles of sweat down the nape of our necks, and beads of sweat on our foreheads. That’s summer for you. But if your summer is sweatier (and more stinky) than you’d like it be, the following are some things you can do to embrace a steamy day.

Put Deodorant on Your Private Parts

Guess what? There are deodorants out there that not only go on your underarms, but are also meant for other parts of the body, including underneath breasts, in-between thighs, and the bum. Look for a multipurpose, aluminum free deodorant that helps prevent odor in your pits and on lady bits.

Dry Off Well

After getting out of the shower, it’s important to dry yourself off completely, especially in the areas where you sweat a lot. You are only as clean as those first few moments after stepping out of the shower. After that, bacteria and sweat start going to town, doing their best to make you stink. Use a tiny smear of a multipurpose, vegan, cruelty free deodorant on all of the external parts that seem to cause you trouble.

Opt for Cotton Undies

After you are dried off from your shower, opt for nice cotton underwear because they are breathable and comfortable. Excess moisture in your underwear is a breeding ground for yeast, which is why you want to make sure you are completely dry before dressing. 

Mind the Spice

A plate of spicy enchiladas with hot sauce sounds pretty good on a hot summer evening, but if you start sweating from the spice, it’s because hot peppers have a chemical compound called capsaicin that makes you sweat. Throw in some garlic and onions, and your sweat will smell differently, too. 

Drink Plenty of Water

The body wants to stay cool when it’s hot, so it sweats to cool off. Keep your internal air conditioning system running cool by staying hydrated with water. Keep in mind that margaritas and coffee (drinks with caffeine and alcohol) may make you sweat more. And before going to bed, be sure to drink a glass of water. Sweating at night can lead to dehydration. 

Wear Breathable Fabrics

Back to cotton here. As mentioned, lightweight cotton is the way to go if you want to stay cooler. Linen and moisture-wicking fabrics are effective as well. If you tend to sweat a lot, avoid silk, rayon, and nylon. A lot of dresses are lined with silk, so remember this if you are going to lunch outdoors or attending a wedding. Loose-fitting clothing is also more comfortable and breathable. 

Mist Your Pulse Points

It might feel good during the heat of the day and while you’re on-the-go to spray a refreshing mist. Look for one with cooling essential oils and vitamins. Spray on your pulse points such as your wrists and neck. 

About Lumē Deodorant

The only deodorant on the market for both pits and private parts, Lume Deodorant for Underarms & Private Parts was developed and designed by a female OB/GYN. Dr. Shannon Klingman wanted to help women discreetly address their odor concerns, so she invented Lume. Instead of attempting to cover up odor like a vaginal deodorant, Lume stops odor before it starts. Once you get into the Lume routine, you can feel confident about skipping a shower with the knowledge that Lume has your pits and backside covered. Lume is a cruelty free deodorant made with naturally-derived and vegan ingredients, and does not contain aluminum or baking soda. For external use only, Lume has been clinically proven to work up to 72 hours.

Learn more about Lume Deodorant at


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